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  • Septiana Theresiawati Satya Wacana Christian University
  • Anne Indrayanti Timotius Satya Wacana Christian University




learning media, text types in English, junior high school students, text types board


This research was done on vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) among English
Department (ED) students. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the
VLS that were mostly used by ED students. The two sub-questions were: (1)
What are the most frequent VLS used? and (2) What are the most useful VLS for
ED students? To find the answer, this study used a questionnaire adapted from
Schmitt’ s (2004) VLS taxonomy. After analyzing the questionnaires from 100
participants, it was discovered that some of the most preferred and useful VLS
were opening the dictionary and repeating the word in mind frequently.


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How to Cite

Theresiawati , S. ., & Timotius, A. I. . (2017). VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATEGIES USED BY ENGLISH DEPARTMENT STUDENTS. ELTR Journal, 1(1), 28-43. https://doi.org/10.37147/eltr.v1i1.48


