ELTR Journal
<p><em><strong>ELTR Journal</strong></em>, e-ISSN: <a title="eISSN ELTR" href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1490597939" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2579-8235</a>, is a scientific and peer-reviewed journal and is published twice a year, in January and July, by the English Language Education Study Program Association (ELESPA) or Asosiasi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (APSPBI), Indonesia. <em>ELTR Journal</em> publishes original, scientific and unpublished articles on ESL/EFL teaching methodology, curriculum development, teacher professional development, and all ESL/EFL related areas. All articles are written in English.</p> <p>Publication in <em>ELTR Journal</em> is <strong>totally free of charge</strong>; there are <strong>no article submission charges, no article processing charges or no article publication charges</strong>.</p> <p><strong>E-ISSN:</strong> <strong><a title="eISSN ELTR" href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1490597939" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2579-8235</a></strong></p>English Language Education Study Program Association (ELESPA) or Asosiasi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (APSPBI), Indonesiaen-USELTR Journal2579-8235RAISING AWARENESS ON CLASSROOM INTERACTION COMPETENCE THROUGH SETT
<p>This case study aimed at raising teacher awareness of classroom interactional competence regarding pedagogical goals and interactional features in Walsh’s (2003) Self Evaluation Teacher Talk (SETT) framework. To this end, the data were obtained from an in-service EFL teacher’s video-recorded teaching in two main phases: 1) the teacher’s four hours of classes were analyzed to characterize the modes by the researchers, after which the teacher was informed about the modes and SETT framework in an interview, and 2) the teacher was self-reflected on his another four hours of teaching by characterizing the modes. The findings analyzed through content analysis revealed that the meetings were insightful in fostering teachers’ awareness of classroom interaction skills since the teacher performed a high level of accuracy in characterizing classroom modes and the deployment of related terminology. In addition, self-talk had a positive contribution to the reflection process, enabling a dialogue on troubles in classroom interaction and the teacher’s resistance with justification in dialogues signposted a need to highlight the value of dialogue besides teacher awareness.</p>Buket DemirbukenGizem Mutlu-Gülbak
Copyright (c) 2025 Buket Demirbuken, Gizem Mutlu-Gülbak
<p>Classroom Action Research (CAR) was aimed at improving the tenth MIPA 1 graders’ vocabulary mastery of SMAN 1 Ngaglik through English songs. Two cycles of classroom action research were conducted by integrating English songs into learning activities. Each cycle consisted of four stages: Planning, Acting, Observing, and Reflecting. In gathering the data, the researchers used two instruments; a pre-test and post-test, and a questionnaire. The pre-test and post-test scores were used to see the improvement in students’ vocabulary mastery. Subsequently, the questionnaire was used to find out the students’ perspectives on the use of songs in English class and the impact of English songs on the students’ vocabulary enrichment. The criteria for success were the average of the students’ post-test scores that should reach 80 and the existence of a positive impact on the students’ vocabulary mastery. The findings demonstrated an increase in the students’ post-test scores, whereby the average of those scores in the two cycles was beyond 80. The findings unveiled a positive perception of the English learning using songs and an increase in the students’ learning motivation in learning vocabulary. In conclusion, the use of English songs in learning had boosted the students' vocabulary mastery.</p>Prema Gupita SukhaMade Frida YuliaDewi Rahayu
Copyright (c) 2025 Prema Gupita Sukha, Made Frida Yulia, Dewi Rahayu
<p>Reading becomes a crucial skill to have in this digital era. People can analyze and acknowledge the content of the text by engaging their critical thinking to obtain useful knowledge that may be beneficial for their future endeavors. High self-efficacy is important to be implemented to test out students’ ability in academic reading. This research aimed to investigate religious boarding school seminarians’ self-efficacy in academic reading ability. A Likert scale, consisting of 10 items of statements, was distributed to 36 third-year seminarians and an in-depth interview was done with two third-year seminarians. TKT 3 is applied and it aims to show the concept (proof-of-concept) of crucial purpose and/or features analytically and experimentally. The findings revealed that religious boarding school seminarians tend to find solutions to their problems in finishing academic reading tasks. Future researchers who are interested in broadening the topic are recommended to do research involving more religious boarding schools to deepen the data and improve the trustworthiness of the data.</p>Agustine Andriana Ayu Mahardika
Copyright (c) 2025 Agustine Andriana Ayu Mahardika
<p>Mutual collaboration is considered amongst all notable ingredients to actualize more meaningful, interactive, and engaging EFL speaking learning dynamics. One of the main learner-oriented approaches fitting with this indispensable prerequisite is the think-pair-share strategy. It is believed by some researchers that under the constant enlightenment of the think-pair-share strategy, EFL learners are highly motivated to progress into various complex speaking learning activities as insistent mutual support from other learning counterparts is granted to them. Through this present small-scale library investigation, the researcher attempted to unravel the extent think-pair-share strategy promotes a particular set of benefits for improving Indonesian EFL learners’ communicative competencies. To that end, 30 prior mixed think-pair-share investigations were selected to generate more insightful research results. Taken from in-depth library analysis, two main research themes were yielded namely: (1) Think-pair-share strategy transforms EFL learners into more confident communicators and (2) EFL learners can expedite their speaking skills advancement through the use of think-pair-share strategy. Some recommendations for the betterment of this current qualitative study’s replication were depicted in an ultimate section.</p>Kristian Florensio Wijaya
Copyright (c) 2025 Kristian Florensio Wijaya
2025-01-292025-01-2991425410.37147/eltr.v9i1.222USING ENGLISH COMICS TO TEACH READING IN EFL CLASSROOMS
<p>Reading is essential in language development, mainly when learning and teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL). In that case, few studies have explored using English comics as a reading-learning method for EFL students, specifically in Indonesian schools. In response, the researcher was interested in exploring the teachers' perspectives on using comics to teach reading in EFL classrooms, its benefits, challenges, and how to overcome the challenges. To meet the research objectives, the researcher first conducted a literature review of 18 articles published in national and international journals. The articles were explored from SINTA, Google Scholar, and EBSCO databases. The researcher then interviewed three teachers to discuss the literature review analysis results. The findings reveal that teachers perceive comics as beneficial for enhancing students’ reading engagement and comprehension in EFL classrooms. However, teachers’ challenges include a lack of exposure to digital comic resources, technological limitations, and the need for training in digital comic integration. Some students, particularly those with lower proficiency, also experience difficulties interpreting visual and textual information. Teachers suggested adequate support, including professional development and access to appropriate digital tools, as essential for maximizing the potential of comics in learning EFL teaching. Directions for further research are presented. </p>Elizabet Habeahan
Copyright (c) 2025 Elizabet Habeahan
<p>A major increase in empirical and theoretical interest in teacher identity has occurred within the last 20 years. This increase is frequently ascribed to changing perceptions of teachers' roles. Critical incidents affect teachers' development and their professional identity. The issues include how teachers deal with challenging situations in their profession and their sense of agency. This problem can be overcome by educating students to be more assertive in the classroom. This study aims to investigate the professional identities of three in-service EFL teachers through the lens of critical incidents. Three in-service EFL teachers from different regions in Indonesia were purposefully selected as the participants. The main instrument for data collection in this study was the Critical Incident Technique (CIT) by utilizing reflections and in depth-interview to gather the data and ensure triangulation. Respondents voluntarily participated in this research. The result of this research demonstrated that there were 17 codes of CI which were classified into 3 major categories possessed by the participants, namely: students’ behavior, teachers’ reflective practice, and students’ reaction. The strategies teachers use to handle challenging situations in their profession consist of how teachers deal with decision-making, integrating technology, and developing suitable materials.</p>Ragilia IndaswariConcilianus Laos Mbato
Copyright (c) 2025 Ragilia Indaswari, Concilianus Laos Mbato